Kubernetes deprecates Docker - What now?

Toby Christopher

Toby Christopher

3 min read

When Kubernetes announced, that they will be deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20, there were many folks freaking out over this. But actually, it doesn't matter. Why, you may ask?

Lets clear this confusion and see, why we can still develop and deploy applications, as we used to do. Don't panic.

Docker as an underlying runtime will be deprecated in favor of the Container Runtime Interface (CRI), which was explicitly created for Kubernetes. End users of Kubernetes clusters won't notice any difference as images built with docker build will still be able to run on your updated Kubernetes cluster without a problem.

But why the panic?

Most people just read the following headline:

Kubernetes is deprecating Docker as a container runtime after v1.20.

but didn't think about it. It only says, that the runtime will be deprecated. This is the environment inside of Kubernetes responsible for pulling and running the images. Docker is a popular runtime for developers (other common runtimes are CRI-O or containerd), because it offers a lot of UX enhancements. This is pretty neat for developers, but inefficient for Kubernetes as it's not human.

Actually, Docker is build upon containerd, which is a high-level container runtime by itself. Because Docker is just an abstraction of containerd, Kubernetes relies on a tool called Dockershim in order to get to the containerd layer of the docker runtime. So yelling Docker is beeing deprecated is not quite right. What will be removed is Dockershim and implicitly with it, the support for the Docker runtime.

What will change?

Well, for most of us, nothing will change. As said, we talk about two different environments. You will still download, install and use Docker the way you used it before. Why can we do that, as Kubernetes drops Docker as a runtime?

Well, images produced by Docker are not docker-specific. They follow the Open Container Interface (OCI) standard. And thats great, cause any OCI-compliant image will run just as good in containerd or CRI-O. Both know how to pull and run them.

Important notice

If you are using the docker socket actively as part of your workflow on your cluster today (also called Docker in Docker or dind), moving to a different runtime will break your functionality. To prevent functionality breaking, you should take a look at the following options like kaniko, img and buildah.


End users of Kubernetes won't notice much of a difference in the way they use or interact with their cluster. Only, if you relied on some docker-specific functionality, such as the docker socket or in general the docker runtime, some adaption is needed. Docker can still be used in development and the produced images can still be deployed to production on your Kubernetes cluster.

Be grateful for the simplicity orchestration has brought to us and how they keep it reliable. And as said: Don't panic. It's not as dramatic as it sounds!

